§ 59.1-519. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
"Amusement device" means (i) a device or structure open to the public bywhich persons are conveyed or moved in an unusual manner for diversion and(ii) a device suspended in the air by the use of steel cables, chains, belts,or ropes, and usually supported by trestles or towers with one or more spans,also known as a passenger tramway, used to transport passengers uphill.
"Operator" means the entity listed as operator on the Certificate ofInspection issued for the amusement device pursuant to § 36-98.3 and theregulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
"Owner" means the entity listed as owner on the Certificate of Inspectionissued for the amusement device pursuant to § 36-98.3 and the regulationspromulgated pursuant thereto.
"Parent or guardian" means any parent, guardian, legal custodian or otherperson having immediate control or charge of a child.
"Rider" means any person who is (i) waiting in the immediate vicinity toget on an amusement device; (ii) getting on an amusement device; (iii) usingan amusement device; (iv) getting off an amusement device; or (v) leaving anamusement device and still in its immediate vicinity. "Rider" does notinclude employees, agents, or servants of the owner or operator of theamusement device while engaged in the duties of their employment.
(2002, c. 788.)