§ 59.1-536. Complaint investigations.
In the event that the Attorney General, any attorney for the Commonwealth, orthe attorney for any county, city, or town investigates a complaint for aviolation of § 59.1-535 and determines that the person has not violated thesection, and if the person requests, the Attorney General, any attorney forthe Commonwealth, or the attorney for any county, city, or town shallpromptly issue a signed statement indicating that a violation of § 59.1-535has not been found. Subject to the disclosures allowed by this section, itshall be the duty of the Attorney General, the attorney for the Commonwealth,or the attorney for any county, city, or town, or their designees, thatinvestigates any complaint for violation of § 59.1-535 to maintain theconfidentiality of all evidence, testimony, documents, or other results ofsuch investigations, including the names of the complainant, and the personthat is the subject of the investigation. Nothing herein contained shall beconstrued to prevent the presentation and disclosure of any suchinvestigative evidence in an action or proceeding brought under this chapter.
(2005, c. 861.)