§ 59.1-92.19. Regulations and forms.
A. The Commission shall have authority from time to time to make, amend, andrescind such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions ofthis chapter, including regulations and forms governing applications,registrations, assignments, renewals, and fees, and defining technical andtrade terms used in this chapter insofar as such definitions are notinconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. For the purpose ofregulations and forms, the Commission may classify persons and matters withinits jurisdiction and prescribe different requirements for different classes.
B. All such regulations and forms shall be made available for distribution atthe office of the Commission.
C. No provision of this chapter imposing any liability shall apply to any actdone or omitted in conformity with any regulation of the Commission,notwithstanding that such regulation may, after such act or omission, beamended, rescinded, or found for any reason to be invalid.
(1998, c. 819.)