§ 59.1-92.6. Certificate of registration.
Upon compliance by the applicant with the requirements of this chapter, theCommission shall cause a certificate of registration to be issued anddelivered to the applicant. The certificate shall show (i) the name andbusiness address of the registrant and, if a corporation, limited liabilitycompany, partnership, limited liability partnership, or any other legalentity, the state or other jurisdiction of incorporation, formation, ororganization, as the case may be; (ii) the date claimed for the first use ofthe mark anywhere and the date claimed for the first use of the mark in thisCommonwealth; (iii) the class of goods or services and a description of thegoods or services on or in connection with which the mark is used; (iv) areproduction of the mark; and (v) the registration date and the term of theregistration.
Any certificate of registration issued by the Commission under the provisionshereof or a copy thereof duly certified by the clerk of the Commission shallbe prima facie evidence of the registrant's ownership of the mark, and of theregistrant's exclusive right to use the registered mark within theCommonwealth on or in connection with the goods or services specified in thecertificate, and shall be admissible in evidence as competent and sufficientproof of the registration of such mark in any actions or judicial proceedingsin any court of this Commonwealth.
(1998, c. 819.)