§ 59.1-103. Persons engaged in lumbering or rafting on certain waters mayadopt mark of designation.
It shall be lawful for any person at any time engaged in lumbering or raftingin any manner upon the Elizabeth River in the Commonwealth of Virginia, or onany of its tributaries, or in the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal or in theDismal Swamp Canal or in any river or creek lying within the boundaries ofthis Commonwealth and connecting with either of such canals or upon theChesapeake Bay, to adopt a mark of designation wherewith to stamp or mark allsawlogs, piles, hewn timber or square timber put or intended to be put by himin any of such streams to be floated and rafted on the same. Such mark may beeither in letters, figures, words, names or other devices at the discretionof the person adopting it.
A statement of the mark so adopted with a certificate appended that the samehas been adopted as the mark of designation aforesaid, signed by the personadopting the same, shall be furnished to the clerk of the circuit court ofthe county or corporation court of the city where such person is doingbusiness and has his principal office.
No person shall be entitled to adopt more than one of any of the respectivekinds of marks or stamps aforesaid as his mark of designation, but any suchperson shall not be prohibited from using any other mark in addition to suchmark of designation for distinguishing different kinds or lots of timberobtained from different localities, if it does not interfere with the mark ofdesignation of any other person.
(Code 1950, § 59-200; 1968, c. 439.)