§ 59.1-107. Fraudulent use of mark or claim of ownership; defacement of mark,etc.; destruction or conversion of timber, etc.
If any person shall fraudulently or willfully use any such registered mark,or shall fraudulently claim to be the owner of any such marked sawlog, pile,square or hewn timber found or being in any of the aforesaid streams orwaters, whether floating or aground or tied up to any wharf or other object,either as part of a raft or not, or shall take and carry away any such markedsawlog, pile or piece of square or hewn timber without the authority of theowner thereof, or shall willfully deface or obliterate any such mark, name,figure, letter, or other designation thereon, or shall fraudulently saw,split, consume, destroy, or injure any such marked sawlog, pile, square orhewn timber or shall without the consent of the owner thereof sell or convertthe same to his own use unless it shall have been duly forfeited according tothe provisions of this chapter or according to other provisions of law, heshall for every such offense upon conviction be confined in jail not lessthan sixty days and not exceeding twelve months.
(Code 1950, § 59-204; 1968, c. 439.)