§ 59.1-126. Receipt or bill of sale to be taken by buyer.
Any person buying, at public or private sale, any such secondhand articles asare mentioned in § 59.1-125, except those excepted in said section, shalltake from the seller a properly dated written receipt or bill of sale signedby such seller which shall therein state specifically the seller's address,business, social security number, vehicle license number, and place ofresidence. If a seller of such articles be not personally known to the buyeror if the seller be unable to write his name, such seller shall produce anadult witness personally known to the buyer to identify the seller and alsoto sign such receipt or bill of sale as witness, the latter also statingtherein his full name, occupation and place of residence. Such receipt orbill of sale shall specifically set forth, by accurate description giving thecharacter, kind, quality, weight, length or size, and other detaileddescription sufficient to accurately identify the same, each of such articlesso purchased and shall be retained by the buyer at his place of business fora period of six months after such purchase.
(Code 1950, § 59-154; 1958, c. 614; 1968, c. 439.)