§ 59.1-128. When unlawful to buy, exchange, etc., secondhand copper oraluminum wire.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to barter, purchase,exchange, buy or accept from any person whomsoever, except the manufacturerthereof or his authorized agent, railroad, coal mining, industrial,manufacturing and public utility companies, or the authorized agents of suchcompanies, governmental agencies, and licensed junk dealers, licensed scrapmetal dealers, licensed electrical contractors and licensed merchants, anysecondhand grooved or figure-eight copper trolley wire, bare or insulatedheavy stranded copper or aluminum feeder wire, high voltage copper oraluminum transmission wire, or bare or insulated mining machine copper cables.
(Code 1950, § 59-155.1; 1958, c. 614; 1968, c. 439.)