§ 59.1-129. Requirements when articles mentioned in § 59.1-128 are bought,exchanged, etc.
A. Any person, firm or corporation which shall barter, purchase, exchange,buy or accept any of the articles mentioned in § 59.1-128, shall comply withthe provisions of § 59.1-126 and shall, in addition, tag each lot of saidarticles with the name of the seller and the date of receipt and shall retaineach such lot in his possession so tagged for 30 days in such manner that itsseparate identity shall be preserved; provided that the requirements of thissection for tagging said articles and retaining them in possession shall notbe applicable if the receipt or bill of sale required by § 59.1-126 shallcontain an authorization naming the agent who delivers the articles andsigned by an officer, or by the proprietor, of the manufacturer, or coalmining, industrial, manufacturing, public utility company, governmentalagency, licensed junk dealer, licensed scrap metal dealer, licensedelectrical contractor or licensed merchant, giving such authorization.
B. Notwithstanding anything in subsection A to the contrary, the provisionsof this article shall not apply to scrap metal processors as provided inArticle 4 (§ 59.1-136.1 et seq.).
(Code 1950, § 59-155.2; 1958, c. 614; 1968, c. 439; 2007, c. 917.)