§ 6.1-2.17. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Compliance review committeedocuments.
A. Any records, reports or other documents created by a compliance reviewcommittee are confidential and are not discoverable or admissible in evidencein any civil action except upon motion and in the discretion of the trialcourt if it determines that there has been an abuse of the provisions of thischapter.
B. Any records, reports or other documents produced by a compliance reviewcommittee and delivered to a federal or state governmental agency remainconfidential and are not discoverable or admissible in evidence in any civilaction, except to the extent that they are not protected from disclosureunder applicable laws.
C. In no event shall the existence of or any action by a compliance reviewcommittee serve as a basis or justification for delay of, or limit upon, thediscovery process set forth in state or federal rules.
(1994, c. 201.)