§ 6.1-2.9:2. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Checks on consumer depositaccounts to show date account was opened.
All checks, drafts, or similar negotiable or nonnegotiable instruments ororders of withdrawal which are drawn against funds held by a financialinstitution located in Virginia in a consumer deposit account opened afterDecember 31, 1981, shall clearly display on the face thereof the month andyear in which the account was opened. This section does not apply totemporary checks, drafts, or similar negotiable or nonnegotiable instrumentsor orders of withdrawal, or to a consumer deposit account where the applicanteither demonstrates through the production of monthly statements orrepresents in a writing which states it is made under penalties of perjurythat, for twelve months immediately preceding his application, he has had anaccount at the same or another financial institution.
For purposes of this section the term "consumer deposit account" means ademand or other similar deposit account established and maintained by anatural person with a financial institution and operated primarily forpersonal, family or household purposes.
No liability or penalty shall be imposed on any depositor, financialinstitution or printer for an unintentional failure to comply with thissection.
(1981, c. 214.)