§ 6.1-363.23. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Fines for violations.
A. In addition to the authority conferred under §§ 6.1-363.20 and 6.1-363.21,the Commission may impose a fine or penalty not exceeding $1,000 upon anyperson who it determines, in proceedings commenced in accordance with theRules of Practice and Procedure of the Commission, has violated any of theprovisions of this chapter. For the purposes of this section, each separateviolation shall be subject to the fine or penalty herein prescribed, and inthe case of a violation of § 6.1-363.3, each DMP entered into shallconstitute a separate violation.
B. The Commission shall have jurisdiction to impose fines upon any person,regardless of whether such person is present in the Commonwealth, who obtainsmoney or funds from a resident of the Commonwealth for transmission to suchresident's creditors.
(2004, c. 790.)