§ 6.1-394. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Required reports.
An out-of-state bank holding company that directly or indirectly through anysubsidiary acquires voting stock of a bank pursuant to this chapter, and anygeneral business corporation which acquires voting stock of a credit cardbank pursuant to this chapter, shall file with the Commissioner copies of allregular and periodic reports which such bank holding company or such generalbusiness corporation is required to file under Section 15 or Section 15 (d)of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, but excluding any portionnot available to the public.
Any such general business corporation which is not required to file suchreports but which is an affiliate or subsidiary of another corporation whichis required to file such reports, shall cause copies of those reports to befiled with the Commissioner. In the event that a credit card bank is acquiredpursuant to this chapter by a general business corporation which is notrequired to file such reports and which has no affiliate or subsidiary whichis required to file such reports, the Commissioner shall be authorized torequire such general business corporation to file with his office suchinformation as he may deem fit.
(1983, c. 193; 1989, c. 751.)