§ 6.1-397. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Severability generally;effect of invalidity of certain provisions of chapter.
If any provision of this chapter is held invalid, such invalidity shall notaffect any other provision or application of this chapter which can be giveneffect without the invalid provision, except that if any provision of §6.1-392 or § 6.1-392.1 is for any reason held invalid as a condition of thestatutory grant contemplated by this chapter or unenforceable as a term of anagreement under § 6.1-393 of this chapter, in a final order subject to nofurther judicial review, entered by a court of competent jurisdiction of thisCommonwealth or of the United States, no out-of-state bank holding company orany subsidiary thereof may thereafter acquire shares of a bank located inthis Commonwealth pursuant to this chapter.
(1983, c. 193; 1989, c. 751.)