§ 6.1-431. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Private action stillmaintainable.
A. Nothing in this article shall be construed to preclude any individual orentity who suffers loss as a result of a violation of Articles 3 (§6.1-330.53 et seq.) through 12 (§ 6.1-330.80 et seq.) of Chapter 7.3 of thistitle from maintaining an action to recover damages or restitution and, asprovided by statute, attorney's fees. However, in any matter in which theAttorney General has exercised his authority pursuant to § 6.1-430, anindividual action shall not be maintainable if the individual has receiveddamages or restitution pursuant to § 6.1-430.
B. A borrower who suffers a loss as a result of a broker's breach of duty asset forth in subdivision B 6 of § 6.1-422 may bring an action against suchbroker to recover actual damages. In addition to any damages awarded, suchborrower also may be awarded attorney fees and court costs.
(1987, c. 596; 2009, cc. 189, 261.)