§ 6.1-437. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Fees posted; endorsement ofitems cashed.
A. A registrant shall, in every location conducting business under thischapter, conspicuously post and at all times display a notice stating thefees charged for cashing items. A registrant shall further file a statementof the fees currently charged at every location with the Commissioner.
B. Items cashed by registrants shall be deposited or presented for payment bythe second business day from the date the item is cashed for the customer. Aregistrant shall endorse every item presented by the registrant for paymentin the actual name under which the registrant is doing business.
C. A registrant shall post the Commission's toll-free telephone number andinformation on how to file a complaint pursuant to regulations adopted by theCommission.
D. A registrant shall provide each customer cashing an item with a receiptshowing the name or trade name of the registrant, the transaction date, theamount of the check, the fee charged, and the cash given.
(1995, c. 221.)