§ 6.1-439. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Prohibited practices.
No person required to be registered under this chapter shall:
1. Engage in the business of making loans of credit, goods, or things; ordiscounting notes, bills of exchange, items, or other evidences of debt; oraccepting deposits or bailments of money or items without meeting therequirements of the laws of the Commonwealth;
2. Cash post-dated items, other than government or payroll checks;
3. Use, or cause to be published or disseminated, any advertisement orcommunication that (i) contains any false, misleading or deceptive statementor representation or (ii) identifies the person by any name other than thename set forth on the registration;
4. Engage in unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices; or
5. Make loans unless such person is licensed under, and the loans are made inaccordance with, Chapter 18 (§ 6.1-444 et seq.) of this title.
(1995, c. 221; 2002, c. 897.)