§ 6.1-442. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Revocation of registration.
A. The Commission may revoke a registration under this chapter upon any ofthe following grounds:
1. Any violation of the provisions of this chapter or regulations promulgatedhereunder, or violation of any law or regulation applicable to the conduct ofthe registrant's business;
2. Charging fees for cashing items in excess of fees posted at any place ofbusiness or filed with the Commission pursuant to § 6.1-437;
3. Conviction or a felony or misdemeanor involving fraud, misrepresentation,deceit, false swearing or theft; or
4. Refusal to permit or respond to an investigation by the Commission.
B. For the purposes of this section, acts of any officer, director, member,partner or principal shall be deemed acts of the registrant.
(1995, c. 221.)