§ 6.1-467. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Fines for violations.
In addition to the authority conferred under §§ 6.1-464 and 6.1-465, theCommission may impose a fine or penalty not exceeding $1,000 upon any personwho it determines, in proceedings commenced in accordance with the Rules ofPractice and Procedure of the Commission, has violated any of the provisionsof this chapter, the regulations promulgated by the Commission pursuantthereto, or any other law or regulation applicable to the conduct of thelender's business. For the purposes of this section, each separate violationshall be subject to the fine or penalty herein prescribed, and in the case ofa violation of § 6.1-445, each loan made or arranged shall constitute aseparate violation.
(2002, c. 897; 2003, c. 593; 2008, cc. 849, 876.)