§ 6.1-194.10. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Corporation name.
Every association incorporated under the laws of this Commonwealth shall haveas a part of its corporate name the words "building and loan association"or "savings and loan association." In lieu of the foregoing provisions ofthis section, and notwithstanding the provisions of § 6.1-112, a stateassociation may also use the words "savings bank" as a part of itscorporate name. No association, however, need comply with the provisions ofsubsection A of § 13.1-630.
(Code 1950, §§ 6-201.9, 6.1-134, 6.1-195.8; 1960, c. 402; 1966, c. 584; 1972,c. 796; 1983, c. 387; 1985, c. 425.)