§ 6.1-194.146. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) State savings bank togive examiners access to books, etc.; examination of directors, officers andemployees under oath.
A. The officers, directors and employees of every state savings bank shall,upon the demand of the person designated by law to make any examination ofthe institution, (i) give to such examiner full access to all money, books,papers, notes, bills and other evidence of debt of the savings bank, (ii)disclose fully and truly all of its indebtedness and liability, and (iii)furnish the examiner with all information which the examiner deems necessaryto a full investigation into the affairs of the savings bank.
B. The Commission is empowered to examine under oath any and all of thedirectors, officers, clerks, and employees of a savings bank touching anymatter or thing connected with the operation of the savings bank. Any dulyauthorized examiner shall have the authority to administer oaths to thepersons examined.
(1991, c. 230.)