§ 6.1-194.7. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Applicability of VirginiaUniform Commercial Code to commercial paper and depository activities ofsavings institutions.
The definitions and provisions contained in Title 8.3A (§ 8.3A-101 et seq.)and Title 8.4 (§ 8.4-101 et seq.) shall apply to the commercial paper anddeposit account activities of savings institutions doing business in theCommonwealth, to the extent that such definitions and provisions are notinconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. As applied to savingsinstitutions, whenever the term "bank" shall appear in the provisions ofTitle 8.3A (§ 8.3A-101 et seq.) and Title 8.4 (§ 8.4-101 et seq.), such termshall be deemed to include savings institutions, unless the context otherwiserequires.
(1985, c. 425; 1992, c. 693.)