§ 6.1-225.62. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Offenses.
Any officer, director, employee, receiver, or agent of a credit union whowillfully does any of the following shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony:
1. With the intent to deceive, falsifies any book of account, report,statement, record, or other document of a credit union whether by alteration,false entry, omission, or otherwise;
2. Signs, issues, publishes, or transmits to a government agency any book ofaccount, report, statement, record, or other document which he knows to befalse;
3. By means of deceit, obtains a signature to a writing which is a subject offorgery;
4. With intent to deceive, destroys any credit union book of account, report,statement, record, or other document; or
5. With the intent to defraud, shares or receives directly or indirectly anymoney, property, or benefits through any transaction of the credit union.
(1985, c. 363, § 6.1-223.2; 1990, c. 373.)