§ 6.1-293. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Collection and disposition offees.
The Commission shall collect and turn in to the state treasury all licenseand other fees and all amounts so collected and the unexpended balancesthereof may be used only for the payment of the expenses of theadministration of this chapter and of the performance of other functions ofthe Bureau of Financial Institutions of the Commission. The Commission mayemploy such examiners or clerks to assist it and the Commissioner as it fromtime to time deems necessary and may fix their compensation. All salaries andexpenses necessarily incurred in the administration of this chapter shall bepaid out of the license and other fees collected and turned in to the statetreasury under the provisions of this chapter, upon the basis of dulyverified itemized vouchers, approved by the Commission. The Comptroller shallissue his warrant on the State Treasurer for, and the State Treasurer shallpay, the salaries and expenses out of the proceeds in the state treasury fromthese fees, in accordance with appropriations as from time to time made.
(Code 1950, § 6-322; 1966, c. 584; 1978, c. 14.)