§ 6.1-296. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Immunity from prosecution.
In any case of compulsory investigation, as provided for in § 6.1-294, of thebusiness of a person not a licensee nor an applicant for a license under thislaw, no prosecution of the person so investigated for any crime, penalty, orforfeiture provided for by this chapter may be maintained. But nothing inthis section shall prevent prosecution for the violation of any othercriminal law or of any other law providing for penalty or forfeiture, norshall the immunity from prosecution provided for hereby extend to anyofficer, agent or employee of the person whose business is so investigated,except that insofar as the Commission requires, as it may do, verbaltestimony to be given by anyone not a licensee or an applicant under thischapter there shall be no prosecution of, nor proceeding against, the personso compelled to testify for any crime committed, or for imposition of anypenalty or any forfeiture incurred in connection with, the subject matter asto which such testimony is compelled to be given.
(Code 1950, § 6-325; 1966, c. 584.)