§ 6.1-334. (Repealed effective October 1, 2010) Opening box; marking contents.
Upon the expiration of 60 days from the date of mailing the notice requiredby § 6.1-331 and the failure within such period of time of the renter orlessee in whose name the safe or box stands on the books of the company,bank, trust company, or other corporation to pay the amount due for therental thereof to the time of payment, together with legal interest thereon,the company, bank, trust company, or other corporation may, in the presenceof two bank employees, one of whom shall be a notary public, cause such safeor box to be opened, and the contents thereof, if any, to be removed,inventoried and sealed up by such notary public in a package, upon which thenotary shall distinctly mark the name of the renter or lessee in whose namethe safe or box stood on the books of the company, bank, trust company orother corporation, and the date of removal of the property.
(Code 1950, § 6-265; 1966, c. 584; 2003, c. 437.)