§ 6.2-101. (Effective October 1, 2010) Confidentiality of information.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this title or § 12.1-19, the followingshall not be disclosed by the Commission or any of its employees: (i) areport of examination of any person subject to this title, including anycontents thereof; (ii) any information furnished to or obtained by theBureau, the disclosure of which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, couldendanger the safety and soundness of a bank, savings institution, or creditunion; or (iii) any personal financial information furnished to, or obtainedby the Bureau.
B. Any reports and information described in subsection A may be provided to:
1. Members and employees of the Commission in the performance of their duties;
2. In the case of an entity, directors and officers thereof and such otherpersons as may be authorized by resolution of the entity's board of directors;
3. Such governmental officers, instrumentalities, or agencies as theCommissioner may determine, in his discretion, to be proper recipients ofsuch reports or information;
4. Any persons pursuant to lawful process and, if necessary to protect theconfidentiality of the reports and information, an appropriate protectiveorder issued by or under the authority of any appropriate court;
5. Other persons pursuant to grand jury subpoenas; or
6. Any other persons with the consent of the person to whom the report orinformation pertains.
(1988, c. 555, § 6.1-1.1; 1991, c. 127; 2004, c. 165; 2010, c. 794.)