§ 6.2-1508. (Effective October 1, 2010) Notices to Commission.
A. After receiving approval to conduct business at an additional locationpursuant to subsection B of § 6.2-1507 or providing notice of relocationpursuant to § 6.2-1519, a licensee shall give written notice to theCommissioner within 10 days of the commencement of business at the additionallocation or relocated place of business.
B. Every licensee shall notify the Commissioner, in writing, within 10 daysof (i) the closing of any business location, and (ii) the name, address andposition of each new senior officer, member, partner, or director. Thelicensee also shall provide such other information with respect to any suchevent as the Commissioner may reasonably require.
(1982, c. 79, § 6.1-256.1; 1995, c. 2; 2005, c. 63; 2010, c. 794.)