§ 6.2-1806. (Effective October 1, 2010) Qualifications.
A. Upon the filing and investigation of an application for a license, andcompliance by the applicant with the provisions of §§ 6.2-1803 and 6.2-1804,the Commission shall issue and deliver to the applicant the license appliedfor to engage in business under this chapter at the offices specified in theapplication if it finds:
1. That the financial responsibility, character, reputation, experience, andgeneral fitness of the applicant and its members, senior officers, directors,and principals are such as to warrant belief that the business will beoperated efficiently and fairly, in the public interest and in accordancewith law; and
2. That the applicant has unencumbered liquid assets per office available forthe operation of the business of at least $25,000.
B. If the Commission fails to make such findings, no license shall be issuedand the Commissioner shall notify the applicant of the denial and the reasonsfor such denial.
(2002, c. 897, § 6.1-450; 2010, c. 794.)