§ 6.2-2103. (Effective October 1, 2010) Registration fees; reports.
A. Each registration form shall be accompanied by payment of a $200 fee,which shall not be refundable or abated in any event.
B. To defray the costs of their examination, supervision and regulation,check cashers required to be registered under this chapter shall pay to theCommission annually on or before July 1 a registration fee in an amountprescribed by the Commission, but not exceeding $250.
C. All fees shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the"Financial Institutions Special Fund - State Corporation Commission."
D. Every check casher required to be registered under this chapter shall filesuch annual or other reports as the Commission may prescribe.
(1995, c. 221, § 6.1-435; 1999, c. 529; 2010, c. 794.)