§ 6.2-2212. (Effective October 1, 2010) Investigations; examinations.
The Commission may, by its designated officers and employees, as often as itdeems necessary, investigate and examine the affairs, business, premises, andrecords of any person licensed or required to be licensed under this chapterinsofar as they pertain to any business for which a license is required bythis chapter. Examinations of licensees shall be conducted at least once ineach three-year period. In the course of such investigations andexaminations, the owners, members, officers, directors, partners, trustees,beneficiaries, and employees of such person being investigated or examinedshall, upon demand of the person making such investigation or examination,afford full access to all premises, books, records, and information that theperson making such investigation or examination deems necessary. For theforegoing purposes, the person making such investigation or examination shallhave authority to administer oaths, examine under oath all the aforementionedpersons, and compel the production of papers and objects of all kinds.
(2010, c. 477.)