§ 6.2-852. (Effective October 1, 2010) Filing requirements.
Any out-of-state bank that will be the resulting bank pursuant to aninterstate merger transaction involving a Virginia bank shall submit to theCommission a copy of the application it files with the responsible federalbanking agency to engage in the interstate merger transaction. Suchsubmission shall be made at the same time the application is filed by theout-of-state bank with the responsible federal banking agency. All bankswhich are parties to any interstate merger transaction involving a Virginiabank shall comply with Article 12 (§ 13.1-715.1 et seq.) of the VirginiaStock Corporation Act, as applicable, and with other applicable state andfederal laws. Any out-of-state bank resulting from an interstate mergertransaction shall comply with Article 17 (§ 13.1-757 et seq.) of the VirginiaStock Corporation Act. The out-of-state bank shall pay any filing feerequired by the Commission.
(1995, c. 301, § 6.1-44.19; 2005, c. 765; 2010, c. 794.)