§ 6.2-856. (Effective October 1, 2010) Cooperative agreements; assessment offees.
A. The Commission may enter into cooperative agreements with the appropriatestate bank supervisors and federal banking agencies for the examination ofany branch in the Commonwealth of an out-of-state state bank, or any branchof a Virginia state bank in any host state, and may accept such agencies'reports of examination and reports of investigation in lieu of conducting itsown examinations or investigations. The Commission may enter into jointactions with other state bank supervisors and federal banking agencies havingconcurrent jurisdiction over any branch of an out-of-state state bank or anybranch of a Virginia state bank, or may take such actions independently tocarry out its responsibilities under this article and to assure compliancewith the laws of the Commonwealth.
B. Out-of-state state banks may be assessed and, if assessed, shall paysupervisory and examination fees in accordance with the laws of theCommonwealth and regulations of the Commission. Such fees may be shared withother state and federal regulators in accordance with agreements between themand the Commission.
(1995, c. 301, § 6.1-44.22; 2010, c. 794.)