§ 6.2-931. (Effective October 1, 2010) Notice and proof of claim; notice ofrejection of claim; petition for hearing.
All parties having claims against the closed bank shall present their claims,substantiated by legal proof, to the FDIC as receiver within 180 days afterthe closing of the bank. The FDIC as receiver shall cause notice of theclaims procedure prescribed by this section to be published once a week for12 consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in one or morelocalities as the receivership court may direct, and shall mail such noticeto the last address of record of each person whose name appears as a creditorupon books of the bank. The receiver shall notify in writing any claimantwhose claim has been rejected within 180 days following receipt of the claim.Any claimant whose claim has been rejected by the receiver may petition thereceivership court for a hearing on his claim within 60 days of the date ofnotice his claim is rejected. Notice shall be deemed given when mailed.
(1983, c. 507, § 6.1-110.7; 2010, c. 794.)