§ 60.2-110. State Job Service and Unemployment Insurance Services Division.
The Commission may establish two coordinate divisions: the Virginia State JobService, created pursuant to § 60.2-400, and the Unemployment InsuranceServices Division. Each division shall be responsible for the discharge ofits distinctive functions. Each division shall be a separate administrativeunit, with respect to personnel, budget, and duties, except insofar as theCommission may find that such separation is impracticable. In lieu, however,of establishing the two divisions the Commission may cooperate with andutilize the personnel and services of employment offices or services operatedby the United States or any of its authorized agencies but only to the extentnecessary for the federal employment offices or services to perform thefunctions imposed upon employment offices by § 60.2-601 and subdivision 5 of§ 60.2-612.
(Code 1950, § 60-28; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-33; 1986, c. 480.)