§ 60.2-113. Employment stabilization.
The Commission shall take all necessary steps through its appropriatedivisions and with the advice of such advisory boards and committees as itmay have to:
1. Establish a viable labor exchange system to promote maximum employment forthe Commonwealth of Virginia with priority given to those workers drawingunemployment benefits;
2. Provide Virginia State Job Service services, as described in this title,according to the provisions of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49f), asamended by the Workforce Investment Act;
3. Maintain a solvent trust fund financed through equitable employer taxesthat provide temporary partial income replacement to involuntarily unemployedcovered workers;
4. Coordinate and conduct labor market information research studies, programsand operations, including the development, storage, retrieval anddissemination of information on the social and economic aspects of theCommonwealth and publish data needed by employers, economic development,education and training entities, government and other users in the public andprivate sectors;
5. Determine and publish a list of jobs, trades, and professions for which ahigh demand of qualified workers exists or is projected by the Commission.The Commission shall consult with the Virginia Workforce Council in makingsuch determination. Such information shall be published biennially anddisseminated to employers; education and training entities, including publictwo-year and four-year institutions of higher education; government agencies,including the Department of Education and public libraries; and other usersin the public and private sectors;
6. Prepare official short and long-range population projections for theCommonwealth for use by the General Assembly and state agencies with programswhich involve or necessitate population projections;
7. Encourage and assist in the adoption of practical methods of vocationalguidance, training and retraining; and
8. Establish the Interagency Migrant Worker Policy Committee, comprised ofrepresentatives from appropriate state agencies, including the VirginiaWorkers' Compensation Commission, whose services and jurisdictions involvemigrant and seasonal farmworkers and their employees. The Committee shallcoordinate its activities with the Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Boardestablished in § 2.2-2407. All agencies of the Commonwealth shall be requiredto cooperate with the Committee upon request.
(Code 1950, § 60-34; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-39; 1986, c. 480; 1989, c. 108;1999, c. 357; 2004, cc. 14, 154, 592; 2008, cc. 98, 222.)