§ 60.2-211. Employing unit.
A. "Employing unit" means any of the following which has or had in itsemploy one or more individuals performing services for it within thisCommonwealth:
1. Any individual or type of organization, including the state government andits instrumentalities;
2. Any of the political subdivisions of this Commonwealth and theirinstrumentalities;
3. Any instrumentalities wholly owned (i) by this Commonwealth and one ormore political subdivisions, (ii) by a combination of political subdivisionsor (iii) by any of the foregoing and one or more other states or theirpolitical subdivisions;
4. Any partnership, association, trust, estate, joint-stock company,insurance company or corporation, whether domestic or foreign, or thereceiver, trustee in bankruptcy, trustee or successor thereof; or
5. The legal representative of a deceased person.
B. All individuals performing services within this Commonwealth for anyemploying unit which maintains two or more separate establishments withinthis Commonwealth shall be deemed to be employed by a single employing unitfor all the purposes of this title. Whenever any employing unit contractswith any person for any service which is a part of such employing unit'susual trade, occupation, profession or business, that employing unit shall bedeemed to employ all individuals employed by such person for such serviceunless such person performs service or is in fact actually available toperform service for anyone who may wish to contract with him and is alsofound to be engaged in an independently established trade, occupation,profession or business. Each individual employed to perform or to assist inperforming the work of any agent or employee of an employing unit shall bedeemed to be employed by such employing unit for all the purposes of thistitle, whether such individual was hired or paid directly by such employingunit or by such agent or employee, provided the employing unit had actual orconstructive knowledge of such work.
(Code 1950, § 60-13; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-13; 1974, cc. 466, 660; 1977, c.330; 1986, c. 480.)