§ 60.2-226. Unemployment.
A. An individual shall be deemed "unemployed" in any week during which heperforms no services and with respect to which no wages are payable to him,or in any week of less than full-time work if the wages payable to him withrespect to such week are less than his weekly benefit amount. Wages shall bedeemed payable to an individual with respect to any week for which wages aredue. An individual's week of unemployment shall be deemed to commence onlyafter his registration at an employment office, except as the Commission mayby regulation otherwise prescribe.
B. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, no individual shall bedeemed unemployed with respect to any week he earns less than his weeklybenefit amount solely because he did not work on a legal holiday as definedin § 2.2-3300.
(Code 1950, § 60-20; 1954, c. 203; 1956, c. 440; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-23;1980, c. 463; 1986, c. 480; 1992, c. 5.)