§ 60.2-510. Election as to coverage.
A. Any employing unit, not otherwise subject to this title, which files withthe Commission its written election to become an employer subject to thistitle for not less than two calendar years, shall, with the written approvalof the Commission, become an employer subject to this title to the sameextent as all other employers. Such employer shall be subject as of January 1of the calendar year for which such election is approved, and shall cease tobe subject as of January 1 of any calendar year subsequent to such twocalendar years if it has filed with the Commission a written notice to thateffect. However, the Commission may, on its own motion, and after ten days'written notice mailed to such employing unit at its last known address,without regard to the two-year calendar period, revoke such written approval.As of the date of such revocation, such employing unit shall cease to be anemployer.
B. Any employing unit for which services are performed which do notconstitute employment as defined in this title may file with the Commission awritten election that all such services performed by individuals in itsemploy in one or more distinct establishments or places of business shall bedeemed to constitute employment for all the purposes of this title for notless than two calendar years. Upon the Commission's written approval, suchservices shall be deemed to constitute employment subject to this title fromthe date stated in such approval. Such services shall cease to be deemedemployment subject thereto as of January 1 of any calendar year subsequent tosuch two calendar years, only if at least thirty days prior to such January 1such employing unit has filed with the Commission a written notice to thateffect.
(Code 1950, § 60-84; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-100; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 235; 1974,c. 660; 1977, c. 330; 1986, c. 480.)