§ 60.2-530. Benefit ratio.
A. 1. The "benefit ratio" of each employer for a given calendar year shallbe the percentage, rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent, equal tothe employer's benefit charges for the twelve consecutive calendar monthperiod ending on June 30 immediately preceding that calendar year, divided bythe total of his payroll for the same period except that:
a. For an employer whose account has been chargeable with benefit charges forforty-eight or more consecutive completed calendar months, the "benefitratio" shall be the percentage, rounded to the nearest one-tenth of apercent, equal to the employer's benefit charges for the most recentforty-eight consecutive completed calendar month period ending on June 30immediately preceding that calendar year, divided by the total of hispayrolls for the same period;
b. For an employer whose account has been chargeable with benefit charges forthirty-six but less than forty-eight consecutive completed calendar monthsthe "benefit ratio" shall be the percentage equal to the employer's benefitcharges for the most recent thirty-six consecutive completed calendar monthperiod ending on June 30 immediately preceding that calendar year divided byhis payroll for the same period; and
c. For an employer whose account has been chargeable with benefit charges fortwenty-four but less than thirty-six consecutive completed calendar monthsthe "benefit ratio" shall be the percentage, rounded to the nearestone-tenth of a percent, equal to the employer's benefit charges for the mostrecent twenty-four consecutive completed calendar month period ending on June30 immediately preceding that calendar year divided by his payroll for thesame period.
2. The term "payroll" as used herein means the taxable payroll on whichtaxes have been paid on or before September 30 immediately following suchJune 30.
B. Where benefit charges are not available for any or all of the periods usedto determine an employer's benefit ratio, benefit wages divided by threeshall be used in lieu of benefit charges for those periods benefit chargesare not available, in combination with benefit charges, where available todetermine an employer's benefit ratio.
(Code 1950, § 60-70; 1954, c. 203; 1956, c. 440; 1960, c. 136; 1968, c. 738,§ 60.1-82; 1977, c. 330; 1981, c. 606; 1986, c. 480.)