§ 60.2-609. Reciprocal arrangements with agencies of other states or federalgovernment.
A. 1. The Commission shall participate in any arrangements for the payment ofcompensation on the basis of combining an individual's wages and employmentcovered under the unemployment compensation laws of two or more states. Sucharrangements shall be approved by the United States Secretary of Labor, inconsultation with the state unemployment compensation agencies, to assure theprompt and full payment of compensation in such situations. Such arrangementsinclude provisions for:
a. Applying the base period of a single state law to a claim involving thecombining of an individual's wages and employment covered under two or morestate unemployment compensation laws, and
b. Avoiding the duplicate use of wages and employment by reason of suchcombining.
2. The Commission shall periodically reimburse any other state agency, up tothe amount of benefit credits thus transferred to it by the Commission forpayments actually made by such other state agency based on such transfers.
3. Similarly, such other state agency shall periodically reimburse theCommission, for payments it actually made based on the benefit creditstransferred to it by such other state agency.
B. Amounts paid under such reciprocal arrangement by another state agency onbehalf of the Commission shall, when reimbursed by the Commission, bechargeable to the same accounts and in the same amounts as if such benefitshad been paid without regard to such reciprocal arrangement.
C. Amounts paid under any such reciprocal arrangement by the Commission onbehalf of another state agency shall be chargeable to the Commission'sbenefit account fund and the corresponding reimbursements shall be creditedto the same account.
(Code 1950, § 60-47.1; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-59; 1970, c. 104; 1971, Ex.Sess., c. 235; 1979, c. 675; 1986, c. 480.)