§ 60.2-621. Appeal tribunals.
In order to hear and decide disputed claims expeditiously, the Commissionershall establish one or more impartial appeal tribunals consisting in eachcase of either (i) a salaried examiner or (ii) a tribunal consisting of threemembers, one of whom shall be a salaried examiner, who shall serve aschairman, one of whom shall be a representative of employers and the other ofwhom shall be a representative of employees. Each of the latter two membersof the tribunal in (ii) of this section shall serve at the pleasure of theCommissioner and be paid a fee of not more than ten dollars per day of activeservice on such tribunal plus necessary expenses. No person shall participateon behalf of the Commission in any case in which he is an interested party.The Commissioner may designate alternates to serve in the absence ordisqualification of any member of an appeal tribunal. The chairman shall actalone in the absence or disqualification of any other member and hisalternates. In no case shall the hearings proceed unless the chairman of theappeal tribunal is present.
(Code 1950, § 60-51; 1968, c. 738, § 60.1-63; 1986, c. 480.)