§ 61.1-55. Commission and basket charge.
No person, firm, association, corporation, partnership, copartnership orother legal entity, who or which operates any warehouse in which burleytobacco is sold at public auction, shall charge or receive any commission inexcess of four percent of the sales price of such tobacco, nor shall anybasket charge be in excess of twenty-five cents per basket, which commissionand basket charge shall constitute the entire amount charged by the warehouseoperator in connection with such sale; provided, however, that on or beforethe opening day of the market in any year, the warehouse operator may electto charge a commission of not exceeding seventy-five cents per 100 pounds,which commission shall constitute the entire charge made in connection withthe sale of tobacco throughout that market season at the warehouse for whichsuch election is made.
(Code 1950, § 61-154; 1968, c. 69; 2000, c. 380.)