§ 62.1-132.12. Employment, jurisdiction, and power of special police officers.
A. The Authority may appoint and employ special police officers to enforcethe laws of the Commonwealth and rules and regulations adopted pursuant to §62.1-132.11 on Authority property. By agreement with the locality withinwhich the property is located, the concurrent jurisdiction and authority ofsuch special police, upon order entered of record by the circuit court forthe locality, may be extended to a specific place or places in a localityoutside the geographic boundaries of Authority property. Such special policeofficers shall have the powers vested in police officers under §§ 15.2-1704and 52-8. Such special police officers may issue summons to appear, or arreston view or on information without warrant as permitted by law, and conductbefore the court of the city or county of competent jurisdiction any personviolating, upon property under the control of the Authority, any rule orregulation of the Authority, any law of the Commonwealth, or any ordinance orregulation of any political subdivision of the Commonwealth.
B. The court or courts having jurisdiction for the trial of criminal offensesof the city or county wherein the offense was committed shall havejurisdiction to try persons charged with violating any such laws, ordinances,rules, or regulations. Fines and costs assessed or collected for violation ofany such law, ordinance, rule, or regulation shall be paid into the LiteraryFund.
(1981, c. 589; 2008, cc. 324, 529.)