§ 62.1-132.14. Agreement of local cooperation with Corps of Engineers.
The Authority, in addition to such other state agencies as the Governor maydesignate, is empowered, on behalf of and as an agent for the Commonwealth,with the approval of the Governor and after review by the Attorney General,to enter into contractual agreements, known as agreements of localcooperation, developed and tendered by the United States Army Corps ofEngineers for signature by local nonfederal interests. Specifically, theAuthority and other agencies designated by the Governor may contract undersuch agreements:
(1) To provide, free of cost to the United States, the fee simple title tolands, perpetual and/or temporary easements, rights of way and any otherinterest in lands for cut-off bends, the laying of pipelines, erection ofdikes, sluiceways, spillways, dams, drains, deposit of dredged materials, andfor other purposes, provided that the conveyance of fee simple title orperpetual easements in subaqueous beds of waterways of the Commonwealth shallrequire further authorization of the General Assembly;
(2) To alter existing structures on such areas;
(3) To simultaneously dredge designated areas not covered by the federalproject when and where required;
(4) To construct and maintain public wharves and public roads leading thereto;
(5) To make contributions in money or property in lieu of providing disposalareas for dredged materials;
(6) To hold the United States safe and harmless against claims for damagesarising out of the project or work incident thereto;
(7) To remove sewer pipes and submarine cables;
(8) To construct and maintain marine railways for the public use; and
(9) To provide or satisfy any other items or conditions of local cooperationas stipulated in the congressional document covering the particular projectinvolved.
This section shall not be interpreted as limiting but as descriptive of theitems of local cooperation, the accomplishment of which the Authority andother designated agencies are hereby authorized to bind themselves, subjectto the lawful appropriation of funds required therefor; it being intended toauthorize the Authority and other designated agencies to comply fully andcompletely with all of the items of local cooperation as contemplated byCongress and as stipulated in the congressional acts or documents concerned.
(1981, c. 589; 1982, c. 168.)