§ 62.1-132.6. Powers not restrictive; exemptions from Public Procurement Actand the Virginia Personnel Act.
A. The Authority shall have the power to perform any act or carry out anyfunction not inconsistent with state law, whether included in the provisionsof this chapter, which may be, or tend to be, useful in carrying out theprovisions of this chapter. The provisions of the Virginia Public ProcurementAct (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) shall not apply to the Authority in the exercise ofany of its powers in accordance with this chapter, provided the Authorityimplement, by policy or regulation adopted by the Board of Commissioners andapproved by the Department of General Services, procedures to ensure fairnessand competitiveness in the procurement of goods and services and in theadministration of its capital outlay program. This exemption shall beapplicable only so long as such policies and procedures meeting therequirements remain in effect.
B. The provisions of Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2 shall notapply to the Authority.
(1981, c. 589; 1997, cc. 232, 488.)