§ 62.1-165. Erection of wharves at county landings.
Any person desiring the privilege of erecting a wharf at or on any countylanding may, after giving notice of his intention by advertising such noticeat some public place near the landing, and also at the front door of thecourthouse of such county, on the first day of a term of the circuit court ofthe county, present to the court at its next term a petition for suchprivilege. The court may determine the same, and may, in its discretion,grant such privilege and fix such rates and charges upon such conditions andlimitations as to it may seem fit. The court, at any subsequent term, may, ifit think proper, revoke such privilege, or alter such conditions orlimitations, or regulate the rates and charges. This section shall not beconstrued to authorize a circuit court of the county to grant the privilegeof erecting a wharf within a city.
(Code 1950, § 62-140; 1968, c. 659.)