§ 62.1-194.2. Throwing trash, etc., into or obstructing river, creek, streamor swamp.
It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or otherwise dispose of trash,debris, tree laps, logs, or fell timber or make or cause to be made anyobstruction which exists for more than a week (excepting a lawfullyconstructed dam) in, under, over or across any river, creek, stream, orswamp, so as to obstruct the free passage of boats, canoes, or other floatingvessels, or fish in such waters. The provisions of this section shall beenforceable by duly authorized state and local law-enforcement officials andby conservation police officers whose general police power under § 29.1-205and forest wardens whose general police powers under § 10.1-1135 shall bedeemed to include enforcement of the provisions of this section. Violationsof this section shall be punishable as a misdemeanor under § 18.2-12; andeach day for which any violation continues without removal of suchobstruction, on and after the tenth day following service of process on theviolator in accordance with § 19.2-75, shall constitute a separate offensepunishable as a misdemeanor under § 18.2-12.
(Code 1950, § 62-187.1; 1964, c. 157; 1968, c. 86; 1988, c. 196.)