§ 62.1-198. Legislative findings and purposes.
The General Assembly finds that there exists in the Commonwealth a criticalneed for additional sources of funding to finance the present and futureneeds of the Commonwealth for water supply; land conservation or landpreservation including land for parks and other recreational purposes; oysterrestoration projects, including planting and replanting with seed oysters,oyster shells, or other material that will catch, support, and grow oysters;wastewater treatment facilities; drainage facilities; solid waste treatment,disposal and management facilities; recycling facilities; resource recoveryfacilities; energy conservation and energy efficiency projects; professionalsports facilities; certain heavy rail transportation facilities; publicsafety facilities; airport facilities; the remediation of brownfields andcontaminated properties, including properties contaminated by defectivedrywall; the design and construction of roads, public parking garages andother public transportation facilities, and facilities for publictransportation by commuter rail; construction of local government buildings,including administrative and operations systems and other local governmentequipment and infrastructure; site acquisition and site development work foreconomic and community development projects; recovered gas energy facilities;and the location or retention of federal facilities in the Commonwealth andthe support of the transition of former federal facilities from use by thefederal government to other uses. This need can be alleviated in part throughthe creation of a resources authority. Its purpose is to encourage theinvestment of both public and private funds and to make loans, grants, andcredit enhancements available to local governments to finance water and sewerprojects, land conservation or land preservation programs or projects, oysterrestoration projects, drainage projects, solid waste treatment, disposal andmanagement projects, recycling projects, energy conservation and energyefficiency projects, professional sports facilities, resource recoveryprojects, public safety facilities, airport facilities, the remediation ofbrownfields and contaminated properties including properties contaminated bydefective drywall, the design and construction of roads, public parkinggarages and other public transportation facilities, and facilities for publictransportation by commuter rail, site acquisition and site development workfor the benefit of economic development projects, technology, construction oflocal government buildings, including administrative and operations systemsand other local government equipment and infrastructure, infrastructure forbroadband services, recovered gas energy facilities, and federal facilitiesor former federal facilities. The General Assembly determines that thecreation of an authority for this purpose is in the public interest, serves apublic purpose and will promote the health, safety, welfare, convenience orprosperity of the people of the Commonwealth.
(1984, c. 699; 1989, cc. 533, 551; 1990, c. 506; 1998, c. 399; 2000, c. 790;2001, cc. 652, 661; 2003, c. 561; 2005, cc. 727, 769; 2007, cc. 81, 649, 663;2008, cc. 3, 24, 238, 259, 504, 605, 613; 2009, cc. 14, 246, 311, 543, 632;2010, cc. 42, 724, 820.)