§ 62.1-229.4. Loans for stormwater runoff control best management practices.
Loans may be made from the Fund, in the Board's discretion, to a localgovernment for the purpose of constructing facilities or structures orimplementing other best management practices that reduce or prevent pollutionof state waters caused by stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces. TheBoard, in consultation with the Department of Conservation and Recreation,shall develop guidelines for the administration of such loans and shalldetermine the terms and conditions of any loan from the Fund. Unlessotherwise required by law, loans for such facilities, structures, and otherbest management practices may be made only when loan requests for eligiblewastewater treatment facilities designed to meet the water quality standardsestablished pursuant to § 62.1-44.15 have first been satisfied. The Boardshall give priority (i) first to local governments that have adopted astormwater control program in accordance with § 15.2-2114, (ii) second toprojects designed to reduce or prevent a pollutant in a water body where thewater body is in violation of water quality standards established pursuant to§ 62.1-44.15, (iii) third to local governments subject to an MS4 dischargepermit in accordance with § 10.1-603.2:2, (iv) fourth to local governmentsthat have adopted a stormwater management program in accordance with Article1.1 (§ 10.1-603.1 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 10.1, and (v) fifth to allothers.
(2010, c. 644.)